Heard rumors awhile back that they had salted the roads here in Bayham Township on ( 1 ) occasion due to ice, called the township office to find out for sure, ( Nope ), so rolled the '64 out for a short cruise, this is the latest that I have ever had one of my cars or bikes out this late in the year. Got to put a few miles on the new tires, and I have a question, can tires go Hard from sitting,..??. Big difference in the ride of this car now, I noticed with the other tires installed ( that came with the vehicle ) , that I could feel every little crack and ripple in the pavement,... now nothing. Oddly enough, the other tires were in like brand new condition, I had checked them over good when I bought the car, and also brought each tire up to the air pressure required, but they always seemed to pick up the slightest little ripple in the road. Huge big difference in the ride now, smooth as all get out.