Today I repaired the ground wire on my battery, put the moon caps back on and put in some gas so she will be ready for another day at the transmission shop on Wednesday morning. When I painted 'Naughty Transmission' on the rod, I had no idea it was going to live up to that. It has leaked since the day I got it. But hopefully Wednesday in the shop will do the trick. Otherwise, having finished the new mural on the back of the rod, I took some of the scraps I had make making an anvil and made a pair of die because I understand that a period car has to have dice hanging off the mirror to be period correct. So I cut the metal to shape, drilled each side a bit for the numbers, drilled one corner in each and tapped them and put in screws and added a chain. ANd they are small enough to allow me to still see out my windshield.
Maybe someday I'll know how to 'polish heads' and stuff but this is what I can do for now. I guess I'll get back to fabricating my rad shell now. Stay safe everyone.