I am wondering what people use to panel the inside of their rides with when dealing with body curves like the rear portion of a model 'A' roof. Compound curves. I figure I could make a mold using the outside of the body but of what, fiberglass, Styrofoam, plastic ? Is this a common problem ? I'd like to move on and finish up my interior. Thank you in advance.
The video is helpful but it doesn't tell me what he covers to get such a nice interior. He must use some sort of flexible panel of plastic or thin wood. What is it called and where do I buy it ?
I think you should drop in on these guys in Oshawa. There are varying opinions about them but there product is second to none. They also sell supplies and might have what you want and could probably give you a few tips. www.trimtechinteriors.com/
Thank you Wuga. I remember I checked them out when I wanted to do my floor. They are really expensive but I guess that's to be expected for quality stuff and that's ok. Conversely, the things I have the ability to do myself I intend to do myself and I did the roof and the seats and the floor myself so I think I can do the wall panels too. I just have to find out what wood or plastic is used to go under the fabric for wall panels and where to get it. But thank you. I do like Trim tech.
-- Edited by Cuddles on Wednesday 31st of July 2019 06:57:43 AM
The video is helpful but it doesn't tell me what he covers to get such a nice interior. He must use some sort of flexible panel of plastic or thin wood. What is it called and where do I buy it ?
From DanTwoLakes at Hotrodders.com:
PVC foamboard (Sintra, CelTec, Palight, Komatex are all brand names) comes in sheets as big as 5' by 10' and will out perform any fiberglass. It will be lighter, easier to work with and not much more expensive.
Perfect ! Thank you 123Pugsy. Exactly what I need to know. Now I just need to find some. Thank you again. Oh and I am almost finished the buck. Should be able to go over it today to check if it needs anything more but the shape appears to be about right. I'll try fitting a mock-up grill today and see if everything is correct. Boy this site is great. I'm meeting people who know the right stuff to do the job right. I love this hobby but I'm afraid it is addictive.