Looking for a set of FREE 15" tires so I can pick up a frame and have a roller in my yard.
Bald or balding, as long as they hold air.
Been to a couple of shops I know of and they did not have any 15's in their bin.
I will mount them myself on a set of wheels that I have.
58 Chevrolet Delray
I am guessing you are looking for chevrolet ,5 bolt ??
It' a good thing we dont get as much goverment as we pay for !!!
Ok now I get it !!!
Just tires !!!
I'd be surprised if he didnt have a few kicking around
Tell him joe sent ya , actually I will give him a call for you
Says.he should be able to help.you out ,
Drop by tell him I sent you .
Thanks Joe,I will head up there during my lunch hour tomorrow.Bought a "ROLLER" over the winter. Only it wasn't a true roller, the guy wants to keep the wheels and tires.
No problem Frank , Kelly is a good guy ,and a rodder too
Be sure to look at the 426 Hemi he is putting together there
Bringing the Henry J next week to install it !!!
33 guy wrote:No problem Frank , Kelly is a good guy ,and a rodder tooBe sure to look at the 426 Hemi he is putting together there Bringing the Henry J next week to install it !!!Joe
Henry J???
Have we seen pic's of this Henry J?
No , No pictures , fully caged car though ,might see it out this spring though
This is Kelly's car he has been putting together for quite a while .
Has owned the hemi probably 20 years .
My Buddy Brian just sold his 58 Impala convertable and bought this ...
Good that it worked out for you Frank
Joe Mac