Breakfast at Kypreos Restaurant at 8.30-9.30 305 Lancaster St W Kitchener
Breakfast special is 2 eggs cooked how you like them with toast,home fries and your choice of bacon,ham or sausage
Here are the places you will be going to Hitman Hotrods-Highwaymen car club-Schwartz Fabrication-Welder Series-Lowdown Hotrods-Webber Chassis.
Please reply to me if you are going to breakfast as I only have 100 spots for breakfast.You can reach me at 519-742-1070 or
If you just want to do the crawl that is OK. I will put out the address at a later date due to the construction in the KW area, they will be posted about the first of April.
Hey Homer,
Sent an email as per instruction on Tuesday but no response so here is a copy of that email in the event you didn't receive.
Hey Homer,
I’d like to book four seats for the time being , myself, Nick Semeniuk, Neil Candy and Mike Little. Should anything happen that anyone cannot come, I’ll give plenty of notice.
Thanks for putting this on once again. I look so forward to it!
Chris Stapley
Schwartz Fabrication 64 Howard St. Elmira Grant Schwartz
Highwaymen Clubhouse 606 Lancaster St. Kitchener Parking in Gulfs Steak House parking lot 598 Lancaster St. Park at back of lot go to your right of Steak House along the river down a set of stairs to club house
Welder Series 244 Woolwich St. Breslau unit 4 Paul,Dorthy and DW Horton
Webber Chassis 244 Woolwich St. Breslau unit 7 Garth Webb
Hitman Hotrods 180 Sheldon Dr Cambridge unit 6,7 Scott Forbes
Lowdown Hotrods 6608 Ellis Dr Cambridge [this is fire address] Tom VanDerGeld
This is GPS addresses you can start at the bottom and work your way up or start at the top and work your way down but do them in order
Nice to meet up with some folks today. Windy drive today and a bit on the chilly side, some flurries early but did not stick around. Good turn out for breakfast. Highwayman's Clubhouse was surprised to see so many people out.
Homer, I almost didn't recognize you with that dirt on your chin.
John, always a pleasure
Pictures from the various shops that were toured today.
Lowdowns Hotrods was a new shop on the docket today, some interesting builds going on in there.
Thanks John for the kind words. Talking to a friend on the tour and she said that a relative of hers is into restorations and I asked where he was and he is one building over from Grant Schwart. He does metal work and shapes most of his metal, so another garage for next year.