good analogy frank. there are a lot of people out there that live a miserable life. - ie:
-person gets up in the morning and has breakfast sitting across the table from someone they can't stand no more. -goes to work after a 1/2hr to an hour drive/ride to get there and punch's a card to a job with reasonable wages and benefits but a thankless job they have hated for many years. punch's out 8 hrs later. -comes home for supper to the same table and sitting there is the same person they couldn't stand at brekky but they are even more miserable after a day at a job they have hated for the last 20-25-30 years and thinking they are screwed as they are to old to start over now.
there are a LOT of people out there that live a similar life to that and i know of some them, a brother comes to mind. every once in awhile when i am in toronto for whatever reason and i look around at countless 20 to 25 floor apartment buildings or one of those 1000 unit plus turkey box subdivisions that scenario comes to mind and it puts a smile on my face knowing the worst part of my day today is driving in this g-d traffic. there is nobody that is going to get up, every morning, with a big smile and and happy to be there as you are always going to have the odd sh!tty day or 2 but the person who can is a very-very lucky person.
- there is very few re-do's and nobody gets out alive.
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"