Hello everyone, I'm hoping some one will have some helpful advice or knowledge to help me find out what's happening.
last week my generator quit on my 1961 monarch Richeliu, I put a new generator in. No problem... this was a few days after I put a brand new battery in the car . It was running great for a few days but many thing are going wrong now. my signals are gone. My horn, my headlights, my wipers have all stopped working. aswell everytime I turn off the car I need a boost to get it running . My logic is somthing has to be shorting out somewhere draining the power but just asking here if anyone suggests things I should check first ? Thanks very much
Did you flash the new generator ? What voltage is it putting out .it should be at least 13.5 running. the voltage is controlled by the voltage regulator the rectangle thingy the gen plugs into Over 15 v or under 12 v is not good
another thing to do is remove the ground cable and make sure you clean (sand) where it connects.also clean the battery posts and cable ends if you do not have clean connections you will never keep a battery charged also no lights etc.this is a simple no cost thing to do.
All good suggestions there Daniel : Let me add, after making sure you have good tight , clean connections at all all cable ends.. use a test light between the negative battery cable and battery neg post with the key off, there should be no light.. if there is a light remove fuses till the light goes out.. that will be the circuit that is draining, or drawing on the battery if you are having a draw on the battery..
and if you do not have a draw on the battery make sure battery is charged , then as stated with the engine running, using a volt meter what is the the the battery charging rate..like Slim says you need at least 13.5 to to 14.5 v , if you do not have that, then you need to determine if the generator is working , or if the fault is is the Voltage regulator.. Either one could be or wiring could be at fault.. also check fuses to make sure you have no blown fuses..Make sure you polarize the regulator and Generator..
Do a little google search for polarizing both..
I would seriously consider going to a Chev/GM 10si 1 wire alternator for better reliability.. they are cheap, extremely reliable ,and plentiful and I think they are an easy retro-fit to install in your car..
keep us posted .. good luck
There is no elevator to success — you have to take the stairs.
Gm single wire alternaters are easy and cheap to buy but in my opinion are junk. Find some 390 alternator brackets and ford alternator and regulator and make the engine look proper. I may have the stuff you need to convert to alternator. Although there is nothing wrong with a goodworking generator.I ran my monarch with the generatir the whole time I owned it .
It' a good thing we dont get as much goverment as we pay for !!!
Thanks for all the responses, it turns out the generator was not in the right place and there was to much slack on the v belt for it to charge and there were 2 wires grounding slightly neer the voltage regulator. It was not completely useless but it was charging at 11 so not enough to crank it with out a boost. Once I got that all fixed I started the car and soon relised the transmission fluid line that runs to the rad busted ... problems after problems
Thanks for all the responses, it turns out the generator was not in the right place and there was to much slack on the v belt for it to charge and there were 2 wires grounding slightly neer the voltage regulator. It was not completely useless but it was charging at 11 so not enough to crank it with out a boost. Once I got that all fixed I started the car and soon relised the transmission fluid line that runs to the rad busted ... problems after problems
You can handle it Daniel, no worries, we are all here to help!
Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods. HL Mencken. 1919.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." George Orwell 1984
Thanks for all the responses, it turns out the generator was not in the right place and there was to much slack on the v belt for it to charge and there were 2 wires grounding slightly neer the voltage regulator. It was not completely useless but it was charging at 11 so not enough to crank it with out a boost. Once I got that all fixed I started the car and soon relised the transmission fluid line that runs to the rad busted ... problems after problems
you will figure it out daniel and there is a lot of help on here to guide you in the right direction. i find electrical problems are usually solved with the process of elimination starting with the obvious first as mentioned by testing the voltage out put at the gen or alt and going from there. you have figured it out this time and i am sure it will be in your memory bank for the next occurrence of this type. as for the tranny line busted you can pretty much figure all lines both tranny and brake will need replacing if they are original lines, especially the brake lines for the obvious reasons. don't beat yourself up dan as it is all part of the hobby and you have a leg up on it compared to the old days, you have a lot of advice and help at the click of a mouse.
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"
Gm single wire alternaters are easy and cheap to buy but in my opinion are junk. Find some 390 alternator brackets and ford alternator and regulator and make the engine look proper. I may have the stuff you need to convert to alternator. Although there is nothing wrong with a goodworking generator.I ran my monarch with the generatir the whole time I owned it .
i somewhat agree with joe on this subject but not to the point of calling any one product junk as today they are all the same. what i agree with is keeping ford a ford and etc.
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"
Gm single wire alternaters are easy and cheap to buy but in my opinion are junk. Find some 390 alternator brackets and ford alternator and regulator and make the engine look proper. I may have the stuff you need to convert to alternator. Although there is nothing wrong with a goodworking generator.I ran my monarch with the generatir the whole time I owned it .
i somewhat agree with joe on this subject but not to the point of calling any one product junk as today they are all the same. what i agree with is keeping ford a ford and etc.
If your cruising down main street in a ford 8N its a great choice
Gm single wire alternaters are easy and cheap to buy but in my opinion are junk. Find some 390 alternator brackets and ford alternator and regulator and make the engine look proper. I may have the stuff you need to convert to alternator. Although there is nothing wrong with a goodworking generator.I ran my monarch with the generatir the whole time I owned it .
i somewhat agree with joe on this subject but not to the point of calling any one product junk as today they are all the same. what i agree with is keeping ford a ford and etc.
If your cruising down main street in a ford 8N its a great choice
touche ! slim
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"
Seriously a one wire is fine for a bare bones car. If you start adding things like A/C , stereo ,power seat/ windows you need to sense the load at the source not at the alternator. there is a reason you won't find a production car with a one wire. If they could get away with it they would of switched them all over years ago.