Yes you can take out a policy on a car that you don't own...
When I buy a car I have already taken out a policy on it before I pick it up.
You just supply then insurance company with the VIN and the typical details.
Here is what I know .. I have imported a lot of cars, motor homes over the years.. Anything I drove back I had to have insurance on I just provided my VIn to my ins co and got a temp policy to get back into Canada.. But I had to have the vehicle in my name to get a proper policy.. Having said that.. I have rented a few cars and was able to use my own ins policy and decline the rental car agencies Policy.. I do think it is possible .. How ever we all know that does not translate into what is.. Things are changing big time in insurance .. So a 15min phone call to your agent would be faster to get the correct answer than it took you post on here looking for a guess at best from us..
There is no elevator to success — you have to take the stairs.
Yes you can take out a policy on a car that you don't own...
When I buy a car I have already taken out a policy on it before I pick it up. You just supply then insurance company with the VIN and the typical details.
you can do that beans but that is considered temporary not full on long term
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"
So the insurance company told her it can only work if the car is leased (i.e. legal paperwork to show a financial interest it the leased property). The lessor needs to be a business and not a public person, or in this case it was a relative. If the relative wants to drive the car on a regular basis he/she needs to be named on the owners policy... Or the relative would need to have the vehicle ownership changed into his/her name, the vehicle be inspected for certification, e-tested and have an insurance policy in that persons own name.
Yes you can take out a policy on a car that you don't own...
When I buy a car I have already taken out a policy on it before I pick it up. You just supply then insurance company with the VIN and the typical details.
you can do that beans but that is considered temporary not full on long term
So the insurance company told her it can only work if the car is leased (i.e. legal paperwork to show a financial interest it the leased property). The lessor needs to be a business and not a public person, or in this case it was a relative. If the relative wants to drive the car on a regular basis he/she needs to be named on the owners policy... Or the relative would need to have the vehicle ownership changed into his/her name, the vehicle be inspected for certification, e-tested and have an insurance policy in that persons own name.
Another lesson learned!
didn't know the particulars on the leasing angle of it pertaining to person to person but it makes sense. i tried the other one, insure a car not in your name, about 10yrs ago for my daughter as a different kind of x-mas gift instead of the same old gift cards and the answer was no back then also.
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"
I gave my daughter a car a few years back and she did not change the ownership into her name, insured it and drove it for almost two years until we sold it. And she did not live under the same roof.