On both my 2007 truck and 2009 Impala the brakelights do not work unless the key is on. I don't know about other makes but when did this change?
Carleton Place, ON. 57 B/A wagon, 355/ 700R4,71 Nova 355"SB, 51HenryJ.www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/listing/user/henrys57wagon
I would think sometime before 1957 because my truck is the same .
Unless you are talking about tail lights ? Then the newer ones would be controlled through a delay module and the fob
New one on me as well Mike.
It' a good thing we dont get as much goverment as we pay for !!!
if you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.
I talked to the service rep today and GM did that for many years to prevent brake switches which stick from draining the battery. I checked out some new cars and they work when key is off.