Stickering early does not make mathematical sense to me.. if buy a sticker 3 months early then you just give up 3 months of what you paid last time so where is the savings.. I expire in Nov.. but I can't see any money saved if I throw away the 3 months I have left on my sticker.. They got yah no matter what.. I just hope people remember how sore and tired they are about getting shafted every month by the Liberal government.. Take a look at your Hydro bill from 16 years of liberal government you are paying more than $2000 a year more than you did since the liberals took power.. and if we could get back all they squandered in that 16 years you would have $5000 dollars more a year in your pocket.. but what the heck who cares.. NOBODY..
There is no elevator to success — you have to take the stairs.
well I just renewed two early for two years each, so you have to spend the money and the expiry date is the same 2018 and will have the same expiry date after the price increase. Kinda like an event ticket 15 dollars now or twenty at the door?
Stickering early does not make mathematical sense to me.. if buy a sticker 3 months early then you just give up 3 months of what you paid last time so where is the savings.. I expire in Nov.. but I can't see any money saved if I throw away the 3 months I have left on my sticker.. They got yah no matter what.. I just hope people remember how sore and tired they are about getting shafted every month by the Liberal government.. Take a look at your Hydro bill from 16 years of liberal government you are paying more than $2000 a year more than you did since the liberals took power.. and if we could get back all they squandered in that 16 years you would have $5000 dollars more a year in your pocket.. but what the heck who cares.. NOBODY..
Stickering early does not make mathematical sense to me.. if buy a sticker 3 months early then you just give up 3 months of what you paid last time so where is the savings.. I expire in Nov.. but I can't see any money saved if I throw away the 3 months I have left on my sticker.. They got yah no matter what.. I just hope people remember how sore and tired they are about getting shafted every month by the Liberal government.. Take a look at your Hydro bill from 16 years of liberal government you are paying more than $2000 a year more than you did since the liberals took power.. and if we could get back all they squandered in that 16 years you would have $5000 dollars more a year in your pocket.. but what the heck who cares.. NOBODY..
I do and I will do my part to keep that "Cee U Next Tuesday" out of office.
Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods. HL Mencken. 1919.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." George Orwell 1984
well I just renewed two early for two years each, so you have to spend the money and the expiry date is the same 2018 and will have the same expiry date after the price increase. Kinda like an event ticket 15 dollars now or twenty at the door?
Queuing up early to watch another episode of "Kathleen gets out her strap on".... Nice....
I renewed mine last week for the 2 year period and saved $24 that the Liberals can't spend. I also put it on my Walmart credit card and I will get the $2.16 credit to spend in Walmart.
I always buy 2 year now because you're guaranteed to save money since it goes up every 6 months now. Also they use to pro-rate the sticker which saved me a couple months a year because of my birthday being during winter and storing a vehicle. They got rid of that a couple years ago too. Paying for a full year regardless of when you buy the sticker....