beans, the other half has a couple of brothers into old tractors and they use this place a fair bit. i have used them also for the old 65 massey and no problems. brighton area
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"
Slim - that looks about right to me. I gotta identify the motor I guess. I'm sure that manifold prob fits a ton of different motors but don't wanna order the wrong thing.
My gf's grampa loves this tractor and likes to tinker with it but he's getting up there in age.. I'm thinking I should offer paint a proper logo on it too so he can ditch those mailbox letters!
I think that would be a great gesture beans.. I am an old guy and I sure do appreciate when somebody helps me with a little project. It's probably the best gift you could give him.. And it sure won't make your girlfriend mad at you..Your a great guy beans.
There is no elevator to success — you have to take the stairs.