Looks like there are more than a few familiar faces here from the other forums, glad to see it! I guess there is no getting around it, I am a gear head, if it pushes, pulls drags, or lifts I think its cool and should probably go faster. Presently building a PT cruiser pickup, (3 frickin yrs now). Interests are metal shaping, welding, machining and a whole lot of other "Hey, I can do that!" things Glad to see a lot of like minded folks here as well. I am from the Wellesley area
See ya somewhere soon...
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards and GET A BIGGER HAMMER!!!
The Picture may be my fault.. when I was doing some cleaning last night I was cleaning some edits and there was only a black -x.. two of them actually so I deleted them and never really thought about it but when I am in the maintenance mode it does not show the picture just the url code and I totally forgot that.. so my apology's to Brad.. He can repost them ..Sorry about that but I take responsibility for deleting them ..I never seen them..
There is no elevator to success — you have to take the stairs.
The Picture may be my fault.. when I was doing some cleaning last night I was cleaning some edits and there was only a black -x.. two of them actually so I deleted them and never really thought about it but when I am in the maintenance mode it does not show the picture just the url code and I totally forgot that.. so my apology's to Brad.. He can repost them ..Sorry about that but I take responsibility for deleting them ..I never seen them..
Thank god I thought I had lost it. I was sure there was pictures there