Looking for a half decent solid polyurethane single stage. Half decent meaning not break the bank but still a nice hard paint with good shine. My daughter wants a colour change (red) on CURSE, (my 69 El Camino).
I will frame off the car and do some mods in about 7 years time, so basically temporary so she can enjoy going to cruise nights more. I only have a couple years before she won't want to hang out with me so I want to do a quickie paint job this winter.
What brands are you using and available locally without breaking the bank? PPG is definitely off the table.
She wants the hood stripes also, so like the pic below.
When i painted my 51 i ordered fromRestoration Shop. They have several brands available and it arrived in less than 10 days. I am not sure what the rules are now for coming across the border but then i had no problem. It came Fed Ex delivered to my house. They do ship to Canada so they know the rules. www.tcpglobal.com/restorationshop
When i painted my 51 i ordered fromRestoration Shop. They have several brands available and it arrived in less than 10 days. I am not sure what the rules are now for coming across the border but then i had no problem. It came Fed Ex delivered to my house. They do ship to Canada so they know the rules. www.tcpglobal.com/restorationshop
HI PUGSY : When my car was painted ( in my own garage ) , I used the " LIMCO " line from BASF -- Think Chip Foose ads . Limco , is their jobber line and I personally did all of the " secondary " painting ( inner fenders , dash , garnish mouldings etc ., with very satisfactory results -- Even used their clear over the " Diamont " base coat . The Limco was single stage and the Diamont is base / clear -- Hope this helps -- DON / Fleet 51
I hate to be the bad guy at the party buy after having a donation of Nason for the truck we built last summer for Jeremy Cassidy, I wouldn't paint my
outhouse with that crap ever again... Its cheap but there's good reasoning ,its junk, doesn't cover and doesn't dry properly..
I had to redo the entire truck with my go too, Valspar base clear.. I use it almost daily now, anyone who is an old painter will appreciate this stuff is as close to the good old RM Diamont as anything has
come since..
Lightspeed Mike wrote:
I would try Nason by Axalta. I used thier epoxy primer and like it. Price was reasonable, it's low VOC. Get it at your local NAPA.