Our well pipe is only about 2" above the ground and I would like to have it about another 18" higher. Other than welding on an extension what would you recommend that I could do my self?
Is the end threaded?? if so, just get a connector the same size, and a desired length of pipe with threaded end. If no, get the same connector, file threads off, jamb required length on one end of connector, and pound onto existing pipe. Remove enough threads so that you can get the connector over both pieces of pipe with some effort - like help from a sledge hammer.
if you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.
i just had something similar done a year or so ago by a buddy in the business. he used an approved m-j connector for this purpose saying it won't pass today's inspection without the approved connector. my pipe was a couple of ft above ground but in a well tile below ground level and wouldn't pass today's well inspection requirements. the connector is approved against seepage entering the well in case of flooding. i am not sure about welding it. how about stopping at your local health unit and ask them what the poop is on doing this as they won't know who or where you are located. you really only want to do this no more than once and in today's world everybody is asking for an approved well and test, oh and an approved septic system which cost me 4 grand to bring up to spec. wtf
-you won't have to get nobody to do this as you can do your own.
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"