There was a recent episode ( might have been a rerun ) on Counting Cars where they were talking about spray chrome for a Caddy bumper and then they were going to over spray with a candy type black for a black chrome effect . I was wondering how it would hold up too ....can't imagine it being as durable as chrome plate . It is a fraction of the cost of chroming , though .
To Err is human blame someone else is Management Material !
my last daddy, 09 escalade, had the chrome peeling off all the rims. it started around 011 and just got worse. it caused a big stink on the caddy forms and g.m. wasn't doing nothing about it up till when i sold it anyway. unless they have improved the system i wouldn't have it on wheels again. i am thinking too much road vibration, maybe. like t-j99 i can't see it being as durable as chrome but maybe for dress-up cosmetics. it's reasonable $$$.
"if you are not the lead dog, the view is all the same"