Way back when, I built a 57 Chevy. It was 2 door hardtop that I paid a whopping $75 for. A friend helped me braze in some floor patches and then I bought a neighbour's 58 Pontiac to get the powerpack 283 motor from it. I was 17 by the time it was painted and done. 283 four barrel, three speed stick. chrome headers and a one piece tilt front end. Put in Chevelle front springs so it practically dragged on the ground.............Drove it for a couple of summers before selling it to buy a 36 chopped pick up.
Had a real smile when I bought a dvd and saw it driving into Lawson Park at Freelton
the replacement 36 was also cool, big block 4 speed, ran C/A at the drags.........with 5:13 it could pull the front wheels at every stop light