I don't remember the name of the street...But I remember when they were off Wharncliff Rd and weren't they called Saddys or Saddies something like that back then???
There is no elevator to success — you have to take the stairs.
I don't remember the name of the street...But I remember when they were off Wharncliff Rd and weren't they called Saddys or Saddies something like that back then???
I could be wrong but I think they were called Corey's. I thought the Saddy's came along after they moved but I could be wrong.
I'm pretty sure Clare owned it when they were at the original location.
It was right at the end of Emery Street and Langarth Street W.. It backed onto the coves.
I remember the floor was lower then the ground outside. Had to step down when entering..
I think the floor was a combination of dirt,grease and oil so it never really got wet inside.
Imagine the contamination in the soil there? Google maps shows some houses and high rise apartment buildings there now.